New at Elliott Gallery: Stella Gommans


Elliott Gallery proudly presents their most recent addition to the Gallery’s archive: the stunning work of former dancer Stella Gommans (NL, 1971).

Taking inspiration from the mastery of Dutch Golden Age painters and by blending this with 20th century photographers and their use of light, Stella Gommans’ resulting work is poetic, aesthetic, elegant and minimalistic. For Gommans – a former dancer and a largely self-taught photographer, nature in its broadest sense is an unfailing source of inspiration.

‘A Declaration of Love, flowers in Dutch light’ is a series that symbolizes life. Flowers naturally bloom in all their strength, vulnerability and beauty—with elegance and grace—poetically captured in that single moment in time, never to be repeated again. It is a serenade to life and love!

A Beautiful Mess by Stella Gommans

Attitude Is Everything by Stella Gommans

Elliott Gallery