Michelle Sank Shortlisted for Portrait of Humanity Awards

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“My parents live in South Africa but were visiting London, so I went to see them in their hotel room. My mother, Vera, has an indomitable spirit and a zest for life that has continued into her later years.”—Michelle Sank

Vera – London, UK by Michelle Sank was shortlisted for the Portrait of Humanity 2021 Awards by the renowned British Journal of Photography.

The Portrait of Humanity Award aims to show what unites us as human beings, rather than what divides us. It invites photographers to capture what being human means to them, especially in these unprecedented times. The selection is made by a professional panel, made up of curators, photo editors and directors from leading institutions.

The full shortlist will appear in Portrait of Humanity Vol 3, published by Hoxton Mini Press.

Elliott Gallery congratulates Michelle Sank with this wonderful nomination!

Elliott Gallery